Blood Pressure

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If all this sounds alarming, there is good news too! Hypertension can be easily diagnosed, controlled and cured in over 85% cases primarily with lifestyle and dietary changes which may be both difficult and time consuming but not impossible to accomplish.

90.     High BP should not be left untreated. It is preventable and curable. Various national and international bodies, including WHO, recommend prevention and control of hypertension by non-pharmacological (non-drug) therapies such as naturo-food therapy. By controlling your BP, you lower the risk of heart diseases, strokes, damage to the kidneys and eyes and avoid premature fatalities.

91.     According to the stage of hypertension, the initial approach should consist of naturo-food therapy coupled with lifestyle modifications. The safest way to cure hypertension is to remove the real cause/s. The natural way of dealing with it is to eliminate the toxins from the system which caused it in the first place. The natural treatment may take some time, but it is the safest and the best way to get rid of this disease. Persons with hypertension should always follow a well-balanced routine of proper naturo-food diet, exercise and rest. Diet is of primary importance.

92.     Adoption of a healthy lifestyle by reducing the intake of salt, fat and refined and processed foods in your diet; avoiding all junk food and beverages; consuming lots of wholegrains and cereals and lots of fruits and vegetables; losing weight, if obese; quitting smoking; beginning a regular exercise programme; learning to manage stress well and taking alcohol in moderation are some of the tools in your control to reduce high BP and prevent it from happening.

93.     High BP is one of the most common after-30 ailments. But funnily enough, many people accept it as a way of life. To actually control BP, one must manage it holistically. Every person should know his/her BP and should understand what the numbers mean, so that health can be improved:

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