
290. Vitamin B6 in bananas helps metabolise more than 60 proteins and assists in red blood cell production that transport oxygen to muscles. 30% of daily value of Vitamin B6 is provided by one banana. Vitamin B6 keeps your nervous system in top working condition and boosts immunity. Folate, needed for proper tissue growth and protection against birth defects, heart disease and cancer is also found in bananas.
291. Banana is a prebiotic food like yoghurt which boosts immunity of the gastrointestinal system. Bananas protect the lining of the stomach against injuries from the acid in the digestive system as well as from alcohol. Bananas have long been recognised for their protection against ulcers and ulcer damage. They seem to act like a natural antacid. First bananas stimulate the stomach’s production of protective mucus which helps to prevent harsh acids from touching the tender stomach lining, causing an ulcer. Second the protease inhibitor in bananas appears to kill the harmful bacteria that causes ulcers.
292. Bananas are also a smart move if you suffer from elimination problems. A bout of diarrhoea can quickly deplete your body of important electrolytes. Like apples, bananas are good for constipation and diarrhoea. Including banana in the diet can restore normal bowel action in constipative persons without resorting to laxatives. Bananas are a good source of pectin, a soluble fibre, that asorbs fluid, thus helping to normalise movement through the digestive tract and ease constipation. In bananas, pectin is combined with a good supply of starch, supplying complex carbohydrates for slow burning energy. Ripe banana can be eaten when one has a cold as it has no allergens and it is the only fruit which can be had with milk to form a balanced diet.
293. For weight control, one medium size banana can be eaten 30-60 minutes prior to a meal. This serves two purposes. It helps in combating acidity and also makes one feel satiated. As a result, one does not end up overeating during mealtime. This goes a long way in helping keep one’s weight under control. Another suggestion is to replace high-calorie dessert with a comparatively low calorie banana with all the other benefits. Having said that it should be borne in mind that banana has about 110 calories and its consumption must be restricted if one follows a sedentary lifestyle.
294. A ripe banana mashed in plain cow’s milk, mixed with a tablespoon of fresh banana flower juice is an excellent weight reducing food. This mixture should be taken 2-3 times a day for about 2 months but eliminating sweets and fried foods. It helps the weight reduction by supplying low calories, increasing urinary output and washing out extra sodium chloride from the body.
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