
Note: Apples and also other such fruits with the skin have higher antioxidant activity than without skin. Vitamin content also decreases gradually towards the centre of the fruit. The skin of the apple contains 5 times more vitamin A than the flesh.
287. Banana is the most unique of all fruits because, unlike any fruit, it does not come from trees at all but from large plants that are giant herbs and are related to lily and orchid family. One of the most ordinary and common fruits, bananas, containing three natural sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose) are a virtual storehouse of instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy and valuable nutrients. Banana contains no fat or cholesterol and only a minimal amount (only 1 mg.) of sodium. The high grade protein in banana helps constitute almost a complete balanced diet in combination with milk.
288. Although low in vitamin C, carotene and phosphorus, bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, an essential mineral (whopping about 450 mg. in one fruit), which keeps high BP and water retention in check and reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Bananas are believed to prevent dangerous LDL cholesterol from oxidising which causes it to stick to the walls of the arteries. Research shows that BP fell by 10% in people who ate two bananas a day for a week. Banana has to be the cheapest and fastest to nix high BP.
289. In combination with sodium (from other sources), potassium in bananas helps maintain heart function and fluid and electrolyte balance (preventing dehydration) in the body cells thus maintaining healthy nerve and muscle functions. Potassium is also essential for helping muscles to contract properly during exercise and reduce cramping up. Magnesium in bananas also plays a role in energy transport and is involved in the synthesis of proteins which helps to recover from fatigue.