
282. Eating nutritious, fibre-rich and low calories apple snack makes you feel full longer and keeps you away from bingeing, so if you are watching your weight as part of a defence against obesity, diabetes or heart disease, make apples a part of your diet everyday. A medium size apple has only 80 calories including 20 gms of complex carbohydrates and 4-5 gms of fibre for steady energy. Studies prove that people who eat at least 3 apples a day lose weight. In fact, Tammi Flynn, a registered dietetion from Texas, in her book, “The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan” suggests that people who eat an apple before every meal lose weight even faster.
283. Flavonoid-rich apples inhibit the kinds of cellular activities that lead to the development of chronic diseases. Researchers found that apple extract was able to protect cells from damage and death by interfering with communication between cells. The antioxidants, called polyphenols, in apples are the same that are found in red wine, berries and dark chocolate.
284. Phytonutrients and fibre present in the apples reduce blood cholesterol, improve bowel function, reduce risk of stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, Type II diabetes and asthma. Phytonutrients in apples and apple juice prevent oxidation of the bad LDL cholesterol and thus protect against heart disease and stroke. Apple contains plenty of heart healthy fibre to beat cholesterol. Its two minerals, potassium and magnesium help in lowering BP and keeping your heart beat steady and regular.
285. Another active medicinal ingredient, pectin, in apples aids detoxification by supplying the galacturonic acid needed for elimination of certain harmful substances. In Chinese medicine raw apples have been used to treat constipation, while cooked ones have been used to help in diarrhoea. The malic acid in apples is beneficial to the brain, liver and bowels. The acid of the apple also exerts an antiseptic influence upon the germs present in the mouth and teeth when it is thoroughly chewed.
286. Natural nutrients in apples can increase lung power and can reduce the risk of respiratory diseases, like asthma and can lower the incidence of lung cancer as well as colon cancer. Apples contain quercetin, which has been found to have anti-cancer property and anti-inflammatory property to aid arthritis sufferers. The essential trace element, boron, in apples has been shown to strengthen bones – a good defence against osteoporosis. Apples are also found to play a role in inhibiting ageing-related problems, preventing wrinkles and promoting hair health and growth. Thus, an apple a day just might keep the doctor away!