
261. Breathe deeply – Breath is the carrier of vital life force within us that makes our body-mind organisation function well and survive. Most of the time, our breathing is too quick or too shallow through the upper chest which results in an inadequate intake of oxygen and insufficient elimination of carbon dioxide. The correct breathing for maintaining good health is important (i) for supply of oxygen to each cell of the body and (ii) for removal of waste products (including carbon dioxide) and toxins from the body. Process of deep breathing can tone the belly, makes you fit, calm, happy, improves your mental focus to think creatively, gives you a new outlook to life by harmonising the body and mind and empowers you as an individual. Deep breathing and Yoga breathing exercises clear the lungs and increase their capacity, improves immunity and relieves stress and tension. For practising deep belly breathing exercise; inhale normally through the nose to inflate your stomach by pushing down the diaphragm, and exhale fully through the mouth (taking more time than inhaling) to get the trapped air in the lungs out by pulling your stomach in and pushing up the diaphragm.
262. Let go the counting game – Don’t let counting calories take over your life and don’t get hooked on trying to achieve the perfect nutrient ratio. As long as there is enough activity and less energy intake, the weight should come down, no matter how many carbs / proteins are consumed.
263. Eating slowly and calmly can help get rid of kilos – That is because from the time you begin eating, it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to signal a feeling of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. Also you physically can’t digest food properly if you are upset or have just had an argument. Eat when calm, your digestive system will work much better. Don’t have distractions when eating, like TV, radio and reading etc. So slow down, take smaller bites, chew well to release digestive saliva / enzymes and enjoy, savour and taste every morsel. Eating should be a celebration. Well-chewed food will pass through your digestive system with maximum nutritional uptake.
264. Eat light dinner 2½ – 3 hours before hitting the bed – Late night eating is a recipe for weight gain because the body stores more unburnt calories during sleep. The earlier you go to bed, the better you will feel. The old doctrine of “early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise” is not without merit. The liver and gall bladder conduct their detox works generally between 2300 and 0200 hours.