Digestive System

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18. Constipation increases the bowel transit in the digestive tract and as a result of this, the body through the colon slowly reabsorbs the fluid content in the faeces and alongwith many soluble toxins (poisons).  These toxins affect every area of the body.  The auto-intoxification with toxins results in symptoms like headaches, coated tongue, foul breath, pain in the lumbar region, lack of energy, tiredness/fatigue, mental depression and/or sluggishness, dizziness (vertigo), nausea, skin problems, pimples on the face, dark circles under the eyes, ulcers in the mouth, varicose veins, diarrhoea alternating with constipation, insomnia, and sometimes fever.

19. Constipation can also be associated with indigestion, acidity/heartburn, loss of appetite, constant feeling of fulness in the abdomen, bloating (gas), and abdominal distensions and discomfort.  Constipation is not a disease by itself but is considered to be mother of a host of diseases such as rheumatism, hernia, diverticulitis, cataract and colon cancer; in all of which chronic constipation is an important pre-disposing factor.

20. In most cases of constipation, increasing dietary fibre by eating more fresh seasonal fruits, raw or steamed vegetables, green salads, whole grains, legumes and pulses (preferably sprouted), brown rice, nuts and seeds, and increasing water intake can solve the problem in a few days.  It is also essential to do regular exercise, particularly for abdominal muscles, and deep breathing exercises to encourage the diaphragm to move up and down; this acts internally to massage part of the colon and aid propulsion of the bowels.

21. Diarrhoea  —  It is characterised by frequent and explosive watery bowel movements which may be accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, cramping pain in the abdomen and at times fever too.  Diarrhoea may be caused by incomplete digestion of food, food poisoning, dirty water, gastrointestinal infections caused by viruses and bacteria, stress, diseases of the pancreas, cancer, colitis, drugs such as antibiotics, blood pressure and arthritis medications, laxatives, antacids, foods or chemicals the body cannot tolerate (allergens), green fruits that have not ripened on the vine.

22. Diarrhoea is quite a positive and natural cleansing action by the body to throw out toxins.  It is, therefore, advisable in most cases not to stem diarrhoea for at least 24-48 hours.  Dehydration caused by rapid loss of water and essential mineral salts (electrolytes) by way of watery stools can sometimes lead to serious conditions.  Therefore it is important to start the intake of lots of liquids and ORS (Oral Dehydration Solution) just at the knock of the ailment.

23. Dehydration signs include; (i) increase in the thirst along with dryness of mouth and lips, (ii) eyes tend to become sunken, (iii) skin dryness and loss of elasticity, (iv) concentrated dark urine, (v) increase in  the pulse rate and breathing, (vi) overall restlessness and irritation, and in severe cases (vii) light headedness or confusion.

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