
Exercise not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit but also provides recreation and mental relaxation. It is nature’s best tranquiliser. According to Dr. Robert Brown, a clinical associate professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, “Exercise produces chemical and psychological changes that improve your mental health. It changes the levels of hormones in blood and may elevate your beta-endorphins (mood-boosting brain chemicals). Exercise may also improve the function of the autonomous nervous system.”
Exercise also gives a feeling of accomplishment and thus reduces the sense of helplessness. Some form of active exercise, must be undertaken 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes at a regular hour. To be really useful, exercise should be taken in such a manner as to bring into action all the muscles of the body in a natural way. Walking is one such exercise. It is, however, so gentle in character that one must walk several kilometers in a brisk manner to constitute a fair amount of exercise. Make sure that during exercise you get out of breath to benefit from the release of endorphins, the brain’s natural feel-good hormones.
Light Therapy
Lack of exposure to sunlight can cause a depressive state called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). For SAD, there are effective treatments involving light therapy in which you sit for about 20 minutes a day in front of a light box emitting light at a similar frequency to sunlight.
Do Yogic Relaxation
The patient must gain control over his nervous system and channelise his mental and emotional activities into restful harmonious vibrations. This can be achieved by ensuring sufficient rest and sleep under right conditions. He must also learn the art of scientific relaxation which will go a long way in curing depression. Relaxation enables the muscles to work more efficiently and eliminates fatigue by promoting venous blood circulation throughout the body. The best method of relaxation is to practice shavasana or the “dead body pose”. This asana helps bring down high blood pressure, and relieves the mind, particularly, for those who are depressed or those who are engaged in excessive mental activity.