Cancer Fighting Foods

Although they do not believe in demons, psychologists working with cancer patients today have also understood the importance of nurturing the patient’s will to live. The first step in this psychotherapy involves locating and treating past traumas that, in some way, are still “alive” in the patient’s psyche and poison his or her outlook on life. The second step is teaching the patient to embrace and maintain state of peace and inner calm, thus removing psychological stress and promoting the healing process. Just as a small cut will quickly be repaired by the body and will leave no scar, the brain also possesses natural mechanism for healing emotional wounds through maturation and personal growth. There are many ways to cultivate this state of psychological well-being, including meditation and yoga.
Also by engaging oneself in useful pursuits and having a focused goal can empower a person to let go of the illusion of helplessness and recover desire to live. For example, useful pursuits can be writing a book, planning a long-wished for trip, building a dream house or simply being more involved in the lives of family and friends. The key is for the activity to be rich in meaning for the individual and capable of bringing them into closer contact with their own life-force. It is essential to find peace and strength inside oneself and rediscover the vital energy through meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques so as to maximise the chances of recovery.
Body’s Brains and Balance between Organs
The heart is supplied with nerves by about 40,000 neurones, constituting a sort of small semi-autonomous brain. Through these neurones, heart maintains close relations with the Brain. The intestines posses several million neurones, constituting yet another brain. Thus any conscious event vibrates in all the body’s organs, not simply in the Brain. A permanent conversation goes within the body. Information is constantly exchanged through the nerve fibres of what is known as the “autonomous nervous system”. Outside of the conscious will, without the need for conscious direction by the Brain, this system regulates heart beat rate, breathing, blood pressure, perspiration etc. Beyond the autonomous nervous system, organs also exchange information via hormones, forming a parallel network of communication.
As a result, an individual’s impulses, desires, decisions are simply the outward manifestations of the humming of all these molecules that in their own way, try to sustain life. And they, in turn, influence these pulsations. Health does not depend on any one organ or function in particular but on relations between organs. Health itself is the result of the balance among all these exchanges. A “soul” whose seat is not located in any one organ in particular, but is the emerging property of all the interactions. If the relations between the organs are disorganised, the “soul”, “homeostatis”, “health” – or any other name by which it may be called — vanishes and all kinds of diseases including cancer can result.