Blood Pressure
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108. High levels of cholesterol, especially, bad LDL cholesterol can cause fatty deposits leading to the narrowing of arteries which can result in high BP and heart diseases. Thus, controlling the rise in cholesterol by eating less animal saturated fats and by consuming more of wholegrains, fruits, vegetables and low fat diet, will help lower BP.
Avoid Stress
109. Stress is considered a major factor in some cases of hypertension. Stress is a normal human emotion. What we feel as stress is the product of the sympathetic nervous system on the “fight or flight” response: an almost instantaneous surge in heart rate, cardiac output, blood pressure, shallow breathing combined with tense muscles. Managing stress is very important. What is important is how we handle it. The persistent temporary increase in BP caused by stress can be more difficult to treat.
110. Some experts suggest to take a break and move away from stressful situation. Most important of all, the patient must avoid over-straining, worries, tension, anger and haste. He or she must try to be cheerful and develop a contended mind. However, for patients with hypertension, it is probably useless simply to say avoid stress. Usually, these people will be overstressed under any circumstance showing a basic tendency of character rather than a simple reaction to a single life situation. For these people, progressive relaxation exercise or meditation will be essential. The type of exercise or meditation is of little matter as long as the result leads to physical relaxation and hopefully better self-awareness.
111. With 30% adult Indians (twice in urban areas than rural) suffering from high BP, health experts are now advocating alternative therapies and relaxation techniques in addition to dietary control rather than medicines. The following relaxation techniques will prove highly beneficial in bringing your BP to normal level and keeping it there.
(i) Deep Breathing – When the going gets tough, sit quietly while focusing for 10 seconds on the area around your heart. Breathe deeply through the nose into the abdomen and try to replace any negative sensation by experiencing a positive fun-frolic feeling or fantasising a romantic or happy event from your past. Exhale through the mouth slowly taking 1½ to 2 times longer than inhaling. Repeat this 10-15 times and practice 2-3 times a day, to acquire a drop in BP. According to a study that drop could be as much as 10 systolic and 6 diastolic points.