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Charity Registration No.845/4 dated 03.09.2003



Satyendra Singh Goindi, MSc, LLB, ND
Gurkirpal Kaur Goindi, BA, BEd, DPE, ND
Santokh Singh Parmar, B Arch, Dip TP, Dip LA, MRTPI, AITP, AIIA
Devinder Singh Saroya, PCS
Gurmukh Singh Girn, MSc, MCRP, AITP

Sinusitis – Curing with naturo-food therapy


1.   Sinuses also known as Paranasal Sinuses, consist of four pairs of air-filled hollow spaces (cavities) :-

(i)  Maxillary Sinuses, one inside each cheek bone,

(ii) Ethmoid Sinuses, just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes,

(iii) Frontal Sinuses, over the eyes in the brow area of the forehead, and

(iv) Sphenoid Sinuses, behind the ethmoid sinuses in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes.

2        The anatomical presence of these hollow spaces makes our skull light for our neck to bear it, and adds resonance to the tone of our voice. Each sinus has an opening into the nasal cavity for the free exchange of air and mucus. All the sinuses have the same mucous lining continuous with that in the nose. Sinuses act like air filters protecting our lungs by producing mucus that traps offending microorganisms, pollutants and allergens, which is drained out through the opening in the nose.


3        Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of one or more of the sinus cavities. Sinusitis is so common that each and every person on this earth except for a newborn has suffered from it at one time or the other point in life. Acute sinusitis is frequently caused by common colds, influenza or bacterial or viral infections of the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract which may get well in a few days on its own or with natural home remedies. When you get a cold or infection the mucous membrane gets inflamed, swells up and blocks the sinuses which get filled with mucus secretions. The excessive mucus being produced in the sinuses can cause the drainage from the sinuses to get blocked. This blockage leads to the trapping of mucus and air in the sinuses resulting as the breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and viruses. This can easily lead to sinus

infections. Natural immunity of the human body is perfectly capable of fighting off such acute infections. But in some cases, the immunity is weak and there is predisposition to frequent infections. It has been found that in people with weak immunity and having diseases like allergic sinusitis or asthma, sinusitis becomes chronic.

4. Chronic sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses remain inflamed for months and years together. This can considerably reduce one’s quality of life. Chronic sinusitis patients complain of difficulty in breathing from the nose, headaches, pain and tenderness in the face, and irritation in the nasal cavity or throat due to toxins in the blood. Yellow-greenish discharges may also be noticed from the nose and from the back of the throat.

5. Chronic sinusitis is not usually due to infection. In most cases, chronic sinusitis is inflammatory in nature and is usually caused by allergic nasal reactions to pollens, pet dander, dust mites, fungus, smoke, irritating fumes and smell etc or other underlying diseases like allergic rhinitis or asthma. It may also be caused by small growths (polyps) in the nose, deviated nasal septum and injury of nasal bones. Allergic sinusitis can also be caused by hay fever and food allergies especially to milk and dairy products. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis resemble those of acute sinusitis but usually last much longer and cause more fatigue.

6. The following are some of the main symptoms of sinusitis, out of which one or more may be present in individual persons:-
• Recurring common colds.
• Blockage of one or both nostrils with mucus secretions.
• Stuffy sensation causing difficulty in breathing and forcing one to keep the mouth open to breathe.
• Heaviness in the forehead and around the eyes is a constant irritant.
• Typical morning headaches on waking up.
• Headache that increases on stooping.
• Pressure and headaches in the areas of head, eyes, ears, face, temples and cheeks – frequently in the morning.

• Usually yellowish-green discharge drains from the posterior part of the nose into the throat (in simple cold the mucus is generally clear).
• Excessive or constant cough or sneezing along with watery discharge from the eyes.
• The voice may become nasal and lose its resonance.
• Low grade fever (occasionally high) and feeling tired or fatigued.
• Post-nasal dripping of mucus can also cause sore throat.
• Inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can cause pain in the upper jaw and teeth and your cheeks to become tender to touch.
• Loss of appetite, smell or taste.
• Inflammation of the ethnoid sinuses near the tear ducts in the corner of the eyes often causes swelling of the eyelids and tissues around the eyes and tenderdness on the sides of the nose. Swelling around the eyes, if left untreated, can lead to asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia or other respiratory disorders like pharyngitis (of throat) and laryngitis(of voice box).

7. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of one or more of the four pairs of sinus cavities. It starts as a result of the blockage of the hole (a short hairpin shaped tube) into the sinuses called “ostium”. This blockage can occur as a result of an anatomical obstruction, swelling of the mucous lining due to cold or allergy, drying of the mucus, or a foreign matter. When this occurs, mucus that normally is expelled, builds up in the sinuses. This can cause pressure or pain. The trapped mucus also helps bacteria and viruses to thrive there and aggravate the symptoms. The sinusitis becomes recurrent and or chronic when underlying causes responsible for the problem – weak immunity, allergy, thermal sensitivities, etc – are often overlooked during treatment. Homeopathic philosophy believes that the suppressive nature of conventional medicines to treat symptoms only aggravates and prolongs the disease process.

8. A faulty diet over a long period coupled with a weak immune system is a major culprit for causing the sinus problems. The typical patient with chronic sinusitis characteristically follows an acid-reacting diet, having an excess of refined carbohydrates (starches) and dairy products; and lacking in sufficient raw or steamed green vegetables/salads and fruits. This type of diet causes an increase in the amount of mucus produced by the body and favours tissue

congestion. Mucus can also contain accumulated irritating substances. This may be due simply to the over consumption of foods that renders the body fluids more acidic or due to actual toxic eliminations from chemicals, pesticides or other causes of “toxemia” such as poor bowel eliminations. These irritants set up inflammation and discharge in the mucous membrane of the sinuses. A secondary infection may then settle into the downgraded congested tissues resulting in painful sinus headaches and other symptoms. Most of these patients also have a history of treating previous acute eliminations such as common cold with suppressive or improper treatments. Invariably, either cervical or thoracic spinal lesions will be found to aggravate the upper respiratory complaints.

9. In addition to faulty diet, the other contributory factors causing sinusitis can be:- food and other allergies; irritants like chemical fumes, tobacco smoke and fungus; overuse of antibiotics which also kill beneficial bacteria and is totally ineffective in virus infections; toxemia (toxins in the blood); poor bowel eliminations; poor blood circulation; sometimes polyps (growths protruding from the mucous membrance); liver congestion; stress and lack of relaxation/sleep; etc.

10. Acute sinusitis is extremely painful and a big nuisance. Fortunately, it is also fairly easy to relieve it rapidly by natural diet methods. Even stubborn cases of the more chronic sinus conditions also respond well in a short duration with naturo-food therapy.

11. Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature – that the human body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by unhealthy eating and by unwise use of drugs and medicines which invariably have harmful side-effects. The most simple and basic tenet of Naturo -Food Therapy is to replace gradually the diseased blood with new healthy blood by consuming health-giving and nutritious plant-based vegetarian diets of seasonal and regional fruits and raw/steamed vegetables (organic if possible), sprouted wholegrains/seeds, herbs and nuts. The nutrient/antioxidant/fibre-rich natural diets mop up harmful free radicals and strengthen the body’s immune system, which (i)

boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases, (ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections and (iii) slows down the ageing process.

12.     Correcting the faulty diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of sinusitis. The right natural diet can help heal our sinuses by protecting and healing mucous membranes through the strengthened immunity and reducing the growth of fungus and harmful bacteria and viruses.

13.     Most persons with sinus problems also suffer from acidity. Their diet should therefore veer to the alkaline side. It is always best to begin dietary regimen with 3-5 days detoxification and mucus cleansing diet of suitable fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and salads. It is absolutely essential to avoid all irritants like coffee, tea, alcohol, strong spices, salt, sugar and smoking during this detoxification process.

14.     In the acute stage of the disease, when fever is present, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only eat seasonal fruit and vegetable juices with water on 50:50 basis. After fever subsides, adopt a low-calorie fruit and raw vegetable diet with plenty of juices. After the acute symptoms are over, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced nutritious diet of four basic food groups i.e. fruits; vegetables and salads; nuts and seeds; and wholegrain sprouts. In persistent chronic sinusitis conditions, repeated fruit and vegetable juice fasts may be undertaken for a week or so at intervals of two months.

15.     Keeping your mucous membranes hydrated will increase your resistance to infection and allow your sinuses to drain more easily; so drink 2½-3 litres (more if you exercise, are overweight and in hot weather) of water daily at regular intervals, preferably between meals.

16. Sinusitis patients should completely avoid junk fried and starchy foods; full fat milk and yoghurt, white sugar; polished rice; macaroni products; pastas; cakes; pasteries; pies; sweets and candies, coffee, tea and colas; citrus fruits. They should also avoid strong spices and meat products. Butter and ghee should be used sparingly. The intake of salt should be totally avoided or atleast reduced to

  1. the minimum as salt leads to accumulation of water in the tissues and expels calcium from the body.


17.     Fruits —  All kinds of seasonal fruits can be taken with the exception of those belonging to the citrus group like orange, grapefruit. More suitable fruits include: apricots, all berries like strawberries, mangoes, melons, papayas, apples, fruit juices diluted by 50% water.

18.     Vegetables and Salads — Carrots; broccoli; pumpkins; mushrooms; beans especially black; leafy green vegetables; winter squash; tomatoes; kale; parsley; green, yellow and red peppers; green chilies; sweet potatoes; fennel; onions; garlic; ginger. Carrot juices (300ml) alone or in combination with beetroot (100ml) and cucumber (100ml) juice or with spinach (200ml) is very helpful. Thin  vegetable soups without oil or starch can be liberally taken. Herbal and green tea without milk and sugar in moderation only. Intake of honey has soothing effects.

19. Nuts and Seeds – A handful of nuts like almonds, walnuts; and hazelnuts; seeds like pumpkin, fenugreek (methi), sesame, and linseeds are beneficial for sinusitis and overall health.

20.     Wholegrain Sprouts — Bengal gram (Kala chana); black gram (urad); green gram (moong); and wheat sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrition. Soyabean and tofu can be taken in moderation only.

21.     Animal Foods  —  Skimmed or very low fat milk and yoghurt containing  calcium has a marked effect in overcoming inflammation of the tissues. But whole fat milk and its products tend to thicken and increase mucus secretions. Lean meat, liver, oily fish and poultry (excluding eggs) can be consumed in moderation only.


22.     We should avoid antibiotics for sinus infections as most clear up on their own with time. Instead try the following simple home remedies which can ease painful congestion, speed healing and prevent new infections :-

Hot Shot  — Mix one-half clove of garlic with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (red chilli) powder, a teaspoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. Mix some water and drink this jolting mixture three times a day for a few days. Capsaisin, the chemical in spicy foods that burns your tongue, is a blood vessel dilator that can help drain your sinuses and thus ease the pain.

Spicy Tea  — In a cup of hot water, combine one teaspoon powder each of cinnamon, sage, bay leaves and juice of one lemon. Drink as needed.

Chicken Soup  — A good doze of garlic, onion and parsley in your favourite chicken soup recipe will help your stuffy nose and make you feel better allround.

Garlic  — Eat one or two cloves of raw or lightly cooked garlic daily. This herb has anti-bacterial properties and may help fight infections.

Fenugreek Seeds  — Eat one teaspoon of overnight soaked seeds with lemon juice and honey in the morning.

Jal Neti Kriya  — This is a very simple exercise in which warm water is put in through one nostril and drained out through the other nostril or the mouth and vice versa. Take care not to breathe through the nose while practicing this kriya.

Deep Breathing/Anuloma-Viloma  — Simple breathing exercises in which you (i) by closing the right nostril, inhale through the left nostril for 4 seconds (ii) hold the breath for another 4 seconds (iii) exhale slowly through the right nostril by closing the left nostril for 8 seconds and vice versa. Repeat this exercise for at least 12 cycles for good results.

Steam Inhalation  — Steam can help drain your sinuses and relieve pressure. Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a pan full of just boiled water. Cover your head and engulf the pan with a towel. Inhale the steam for five minutes after which keep the head and face covered for further few minutes.

Nasal Irrigation  — Irrigating nasal passages with saline water twice a day can bring relief.

Hot, Wet Compresses  — Apply hot, wet compresses to your face several times a day.

Hot and Cold Face Wash  — Bathe your face with hot water  — as hot as you can bear – and then apply cold water for a shorter duration.

Homeopathic Medicines  — It is said that homeopathic medicines strengthen the patients’ constitution and eradicate the underlying causes such as sensitivity to cold air, nasal allergies and asthma which are often behind chronic sinusitis. Silicea is said to be very effective in treating sinusitis in individuals who are extremely sensitive to the least amount of chill in the air and often develop frontal headaches or heaviness. Kali Bichrome is said to be helpful in cases where the discharges are very stringy, sticky and yellowish-green or when the patient complains of constant pain in the root of the nose.


23.  People who have nasal allergies and infections for a long time may develop thick mucous membrane or “polyps” that interfere with proper nasal drainage. It is said that surgical removal of polyps or repair of a deviated “septum” ensures open airways. The surgery should only be considered if naturo-food therapy measures do not bring relief in the first instance.


24.     Preventing the occurrence of sinusitis is not always feasible but the following simple measures do help :-

*        Avoid exposure to cold air, as it may trigger runny nose which can further lead to inflammation of sinuses.

*        Try to have your allergies under control by avoiding exposure to known allergens, especially during change of season and sudden changes of temperature.

*        Avoid exposure to pollutants, chemical smells and smoke. Cigarette smoke is particularly injurious to both active and passive smokers.

*        Reduce stress and have plenty of rest, relaxation and adequate sleep and fresh air.

*        Do vigorous physical body exercises and gentle neck exercises.

*        Above all, drink lots of water/fluids and eat natural foods.


There is no “best” or “ideal” diet and no “good or “bad” foods so long as you stick to natural sources. Moderation, variety and balance are the keys to healthy eating. Also, food is more than the nutrition it provides – it is also a part of the way we enjoy and celebrate life. The following diet guidelines have been prepared accordingly:-

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle – Change the way you live each day. Fortify your immune system with regular exercise and healthy eating with natural foods. Find time to enjoy and nurture yourself with some fun, laughter, relaxation and adequate sleep.
I. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle – Change the way you live each day. Fortify your immune system with regular exercise and healthy eating with natural foods. Find time to enjoy and nurture yourself with some fun, laughter, relaxation and adequate sleep.
II. You are What You Eat – Maintain ideal healthy weight. Don’t live to eat but eat to live a disease-free life as ordained by NATURE.
III. Look after Your Digestive System – Eat less in moderation and more often i.e. have 7-8 small nutritious meals and snacks (say every 2-2½ hours) instead of 2-3 large heavy meals a day. Don’t ever overeat and chew the food to a creamy state with digestive saliva containing enzymes before swallowing.
IV. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables – Include a liberal quantity of fresh seasonal and regional fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and salads in your daily diet to fulfill 50-60% of your daily energy requirements.
V. Eat More Sprouts and Fibre – Eat wholegrain cereals and pulses, preferably sprouted, for optimum fibre and nutrition as minerals and vitamins are attached to the bran and they increase manifold on sprouting.
VI. Eat Nuts and Seeds – Consume a handful of nuts like almonds, wallnuts and seeds like pumpkin and sesame regularly 5-6 times a week.
VII. Eat Carminative and Digestive Herbs and Spices – Include ginger, garlic, onions, cumin seeds (jeera), fennel (saunf), aesphotida (hing), black pepper, caraway seeds (ajwain), turmeric (haldi), cardamom (elaichi), basil (tulsi), mint (pudina), curry leaves (curhi patta) in your diet and cooking.
VIII. Cook Vegetables Conservatively – Do not cook vegetables in lots of oil. Freshly cut and prepared vegetables should be steamed, lightly sauted or

slowly stewed or stir-fried or baked but not deep-fried and overcooked at all to preserve minerals, vitamins and enzymes.
IX. Never skip Breakfast – Eat a fruit instead of tea or coffee within 15-20 minutes of waking followed by a nutritious breakfast later.
X. Eat Light Dinner – Have your last meal or snack 2-2½ hours before hitting the bed.
XI. Don’t get dehydrated – Drink at least 2-2½ liters (more if you exercise, are overweight and in hot weather) of water at regular intervals. If just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves for flavour in the jug of water.
XII. Avoid Drinking Water with Meals – Drink water about an hour before or after meals to avoid diluting the digestive juices.
XIII. Don’t follow Fad Diets – These diets don’t include all the food groups and nutrients and these never work in the longterm. Mantra is to simply eat healthy.
XIV. Avoid the Three White Poisons – Excessive intake of Sugar, Salt and Starch (Maida) and their products should be avoided as far as possible.
XV. Totally eliminate Junk Food from Your Diet – Avoid fat-rich, refined, processed and fried junk foods and beverages like colas and fizzy drinks laden with harmful chemical additives and preservatives.
XVI. Detox Yourself – Go on a detoxification diet only of fruits and vegetables and their juices to get rid of toxins after every two weeks.

Santokh Singh Parmar

Naturo-Food Therapist & Lifestyle Consultant

Mobile: +91(0) 9815922330

Websites: www.naturofoodtherapy.org & www.foodtherapy.org

MAY 2009

Note: The above information and advice and indicative remedies are not a substitute for the advice, your doctor or naturo-food therapist may give you based on his/her knowledge of yourself.