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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Charity Registration No.845/4 dated 03.09.2003



Satyendra Singh Goindi, MSc, LLB, ND
Gurkirpal Kaur Goindi, BA, BEd, DPE, ND
Santokh Singh Parmar, B Arch, Dip TP, Dip LA, MRTPI, AITP, AIIA
Devinder Singh Saroya, PCS
Gurmukh Singh Girn, MSc, MCRP, AITP



1.       The word arthritis means inflammation of joints.  It is derived from two Greek words, “athron” meaning joints and “itis” meaning inflammation.  There are about 200 types of arthritis of which three most commonly known are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

2.       Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease, affects primarily the weight bearing joints like the hip, knees, but may affect the spine, hands and other parts of the body.  Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage, that normally covers and cushions the ends of the bone, breakdown due to excessive wear and tear and age.  As bone rubs against bone, the joint loses shape and alignment; the ends of the bone thicken and form bony growths called spurs; and bits of cartilage or bone can float within the joint space.  The result is stiff, swollen, aching joints.

3.       Gout, also known as “the disease of kings”, is associated with over-indulgence in rich food and alcohol.  Gout is a form of arthritic joint disease caused by a disorder of the metabolism (body chemistry) mainly through higher levels of  uric acid in the blood. Gout develops over many years and raises its head without warning.  The big toe is affected the most, while the ankles, heels, feet, knees, fingers, hands, wrist and elbows also share the brunt.

4.       Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be an auto-immune disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own cells and tissues.  White blood cells which normally hunt and destroy harmful bacteria and viruses in your blood seem to invade and attack the soft tissues in the joints.  It is a progressive inflammatory condition which affects not only the joints of fingers, wrists, hips, knees, shoulders and the feet but also the muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.  It is a process in which the body’s immune system destroys the synovial membrane surrounding the lubricating fluid in the joints accompanied by swelling, redness and tenderness of the joints and eventual deformity. 

5. The cartilage and tissues in and around the joints and often the bone surfaces are destroyed.  The body replaces this damaged tissue with scar tissue, causing the spaces between the joints to become narrow and to develop folds.  Sometimes the scar tissue solidifies into bones, fusing the joint, making it rigid and difficult to move.  Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause skin lumps (nodules) and damage to the blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, spleen, lungs, brain and heart.  It can cripple or even kill a person.  The disease can result in fatigue, fever, low blood pressure, stiffness, anaemia, colitis, weight loss, swollen and throbbing joints, joint damage and limitation or loss of function of joints.  Movement of the joints becomes extremely painful, especially in cold, damp and windy weather.

6.       Rheumatoid arthritis is usually insidious i.e. it progresses inconspicuously and harmfully over a period of time with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints.  Ultimately the whole body is affected.  Sometimes symptoms appear suddenly.  Symmetrical joint involvement is common and the disease may migrate from joint to joint.  The course of rheumatoid arthritis and its symptoms varies from person to person.  It may come and go and return again but at some point the symptoms may become permanent.  In the early stage of the disease, the whole body is usually affected and one or two joints may become completely deformed.

7.       Dry skin and arthritis are just two sides of the same coin.  Many arthritic victims have dry, flaky skin, and many people with dry skin eventually go on to develop arthritis.  When your body is dry, it is dry all over — whether it is the skin, the joints or anywhere else.  To correct dry skin you have to get your body to produce its own moisture — from inside by eating nutritious diet, doing regular exercise, having rest and adequate sleep, and of course drinking lots of water.

8.       While characteristically the pain of rheumatoid arthritis normally tends to be worst in the early morning, the pain of osteoarthritis normally gets worse as the day progresses.  In osteoarthritis, usually there is some pain but little or no swelling.  Both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, typically have flare-ups interrupted by periods of remission that brings spontaneous relief from pain.


9.       The  exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is said to be unknown, but it is considered that it has its origin in malnutrition.  Wrong and irregular ways of eating; faulty selection of eatables and drinks; wrong cooking methods like excessive frying; excessive use of oil/fat, transfats, salt, sugar and refined foods; a very rich diet; overeating; lack of activity/exercise and rest/sleep; stressful and sedentary lifestyle; and most importantly ignorance of NATURE, are some of the potent contributors to the package of lifestyle diseases including rheumatoid arthritis.  Nutritional deficiencies, particularly of antioxidant vitamins A,C and E and trace minerals such as selenium and copper in the body can initiate the disease.  Arthritic persons tend to be overloaded with harmful free radicals and have low immunity.  People having deranged digestive system for months and years are easy prey to arthritis.

10.   Poor digestion, poor elimination, constipation, inadequate assimilation, hyper or hypo-acidity and sluggish bowels are  other causative factors.  Constipation should be avoided at all costs as it is one of the foremost enemies of people suffering from degenerative diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.  It poisons the digestive system and aggravates the irritation and inflammation of the joints.  Many diseases originate from a poor bowel function.  Waste that remains in the bowels tends to ferment and so causes toxicity.  Remember, “What is imported into the body should be exported within 24 hours”.

11.     Diets high in protein and fat from animal origin and transfats; excessive in soda drinks (which upsets phosphorus/calcium balance); excessive in acid forming foods, excessive in refined carbohydrates, sweets and sugar; refined and processed foods with harmful chemical additives; inadequate intake of raw or steamed vegetables and fruits; and irritants like tea, coffee, alcohol, salt and spices can result in rheumatic and arthritic conditions.  Some people may be affected by food allergies like intolerance to gluten and foods in the nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, peppers, tobacco).

12.     Yet other common causes of arthritic pains could be either one or a combination of obesity; inheritance; hormonal imbalance; bacterial infection; poor skin; malfunction of kidneys, liver and gallbladder; toxemia; poor blood/lymph circulation; and spinal imbalance.

13.     We are creations of emotions, passions and circumstances.  Physical and emotional stress, severe fright, shock or injury may be responsible for arthritis in some cases.  Stress, worry and trauma are known to deplete the immune system.  Psychological factors like being inflexible, stuck, unwilling to change, long-held  resentment, envy, fear, anxiety and depression may also contribute to arthritic conditions.  The effects of excessive jealousy and possessiveness can influence a person’s arthritic conditions adversely.

14.     Inflammatory Process — Hormone like substances called “prostaglandins” and “leukotrienes”  are manufactured by enzymatic breakdown of a fatty-acid called “arachidonic acid”.  What one eats determines how much of the arachidonic acid is present and what type of prostaglandins and leukotrienes — cell messengers that regulate the immune and inflammation process — are created.  Eating a lot of flesh foods and Omega 6–rich vegetable oils like  sunflower, corn is likely to create more arachidonic acid, which can set off chain reactions, resulting in specific leukotrienes that cause inflammation.  On the other hand, certain foods, such as oily fish, garlic and onions, can manipulate the prostaglandins system to block the process of inflammation.  Such foods can intervene in various stages to block the complex biochemical inflammatory process. 


15.     Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most widespread and debilitating disease which may take years to develop. According to Ayurveda arthritic joint pains are mostly the result of trapped toxins (poisonous substances) in the joints.  These toxins are made when we eat foods that are incompatible with each other, and a rich diet that includes lots of dairy products, transfats, non-vegetarian, fried and refined food and alcohol.  When these foods are eaten on a regular basis, they overwhelm the digestive system and produce toxins.  These toxins rot in the colon, spread all over the body through the blood and ultimately accumulate in the joints and cause pain.

16.     It is sometimes considered ill-judged to refer to the body as a chemical laboratory, yet if the body is healthy, it is chemically balanced. If the body is mentally, emotionally and physically in balance, then there is health.  Much depends on the “pillars of health”: nutrition, digestion, elimination, circulation, exercise and relaxation.

17.     Nutrition depends on good digestion through the mouth, the stomach and the duodenum.  In turn, this is dependent on the presence of amino acids, glucose, essential fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and oxygen, which are all needed to allow maximum absorption.  Good absorption will break down and apportion nutrients to the blood, liver, heart and organ cells.  Balance in this context means that waste material is able to leave the body and the waste material in the blood can be eliminated through the kidneys, lungs and skin.  Effective elimination has been recognised as a significant factor because arthritic and rheumatic people are often plagued by constipation.  Residual waste must be encouraged to leave the body at regular intervals.

18.     Chinese believe that all illness is disharmony in body, mind and soul.  It has been recognised that rheumaticism and arthritis are somehow connected to both the immune and endocrine systems.  Therefore naturo-food therapists endeavour to approach such problems from the holistic point of view: to study body, mind and soul as three integral and inter-related parts of one and the same entity.

19.     Orthodox pain-relieving treatments for rheumatoid arthritis with non-steroidal  anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like aspirin and cortisone (which often have harmful side-effects) have mostly proven unsatisfactory and completely unable to cure the dreaded disease.  Only individualised naturo-food therapy has any hope of removing the cause and curing the dreaded disease.  There is no quick and easy cure, no magic pill, and no miracle diet suited for all.  With arthritis, as with most degenerative diseases, there are as many different approaches as there are patients, and each one is unique.

20.     Arthritis is a process, and at the very least, the process may be stopped so that you don’t get any worse.  The process may often be reversed and the arthritis is then cured.  Often the improvement is slow, although very often it may be rapid as well. If for any reason your health is affected, please do not give in by telling yourself, or for that matter letting anyone else tell you, that you will have to learn to live with it.  Don’t follow that road, because it just is not true!  You owe it to yourself and you owe it to those who love you to do all that is possible to bring about a change.

21.     Successful treatment always involves lifestyle changes, which may not be easy to adopt by everyone. To revive the immune system for combating the disease, balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise, large doses of humour, adequate sleep and relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, music, meditation can work wonders.  Maintaining normal healthy weight is important factor in preventing and curing arthritis.  Obesity places excess stress on joints and interferes with smooth functioning of tendons, ligaments and muscles.  This implies that the only type of arthritis patient who can ever hope for real improvement with Naturo-Food Therapy must have a real desire for regaining health and the persistence and patience to obtain it at all cost by following the advice of his/her naturo-food therapist earnestly.  The best way to prevent the disease getting worse is by getting treatment early from your naturo-food therapist.  The sooner you begin Naturo-Food Therapy, the less disease will disfigure your joints.

22.     It must be remembered that rheumatoid arthritis is a degenerative and autoimmune disease taking months and years to develop.  Minor dietary changes will rarely be successful in reversing the problem.  More heroic treatment with Naturo-Food Therapy is required.  The following dietary manipulations, dietary guidelines and lifestyle modifications including regular exercise and adequate relaxation, rest and sleep will gradually help establish equilibrium (between body, mind and soul) if adopted and followed diligently.

Body’s Healing Powers

23.     Our bodies are unique, highly intricate machines which can easily be damaged and destroyed by eating wrong foods.  Equally, ill health and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis can be overcome by well-balanced nutritious diet.  All healing comes from within the body.  Proper nutrition and remedies are mainly found in natural foods.  Natural plant-based foods with “life” in them should be considered as divine gifts from God (Nature) which should be loved, respected and cherished.  The acid/alkaline balance of food is extremely important for our well-being.  To remain healthy and free of disease, we should aim to consume 80% alkaline foods and no more than 20% acidic foods.  See attached paper, “Acid and Alkaline Foods”.

24.     Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature  — that the human body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by unhealthy eating and by the unwise use of drugs and medicines which invariably have harmful side-effects.

25.     The most simple and basic tenet of Naturo-Food Therapy is to replace gradually the diseased blood with new healthy blood by consuming health-giving and nutritious plant-based vegetarian diets of seasonal fruits and raw/steamed vegetables (organic if possible), sprouted wholegrains/seeds, herbs and nuts.  The nutrient/antioxidant/fibre-rich natural diets mop up harmful free radicals and strengthen the body’s immune system, which, (i) boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases, (ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections and   (iii) slows down and even reverses the ageing process.

26.     It must be understood that the success of the treatment through Naturo-Food Therapy will solely depend on the willingness of the patient to co-operate.  Excellent success rate has been achieved where patients have strictly adhered the dietary regime advised by our naturo-food therapists.

Naturo-Food Therapy Procedures for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

27.     The following procedures should be carried out under close supervision and/or in consultation with your naturo-food therapist and bearing in mind the attached “Diet Guidelines for a Healthy & Disease-Free Life”.

(i)      Enema  —  To treat arthritis, the first step is to detoxify the colon to restore its proper function.  Therefore, the patient should be given a luke-warm water enema for a few days to start with to cleanse the bowels.

(ii)      Raw Vegetable Juice Fasting  —  This is considered to be the fastest method for getting good results with rheumatoid as well as osteo-arthritis.  The fasting period will depend on the patient and the condition of the disease and may range from 7-21 days or longer.  Green juice extracted from any green leafy vegetable mixed with carrot, celery or red beetroot juice is quite effective for arthritis.  Watercress and parsley juice is also beneficial.  The alkaline action of raw vegetable juices dissolves and eliminates the accumulation of toxins around the joints and other tissues.  Herbal teas like basil (Tulsi), mint and alfalfa sprouts without milk and sugar can be taken inbetween juice drinks.

(iii)     Raw Non-Citrus Vegetarian Diet  —  This initial diet for 2-4 weeks or longer may follow the fasting period.  The bulk of the diet should be raw or slightly steamed green leafy and other suitable vegetables and one light meal a day of, say, khichri made with brown rice and whole sprouted moong or dalia made from sprouted wheat with no animal protein whatsoever.  All stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, nicotin, salt, sugar/sweets are strictly forbidden during this diet.  Herbal teas without milk and sugar and potassium broth (see Annex) can be taken as desired.

(iv)     Regular Diet  —  Diet must be considered as the most important component of treatment as arthritic conditions often thrive on over-acidic environment in the body.  Diet should be low on fat and  proteins, protein from whole legumes, lentils, beans and peas is much better than from meat.  Plant-based foods including most non-citrus suitable fruits, most green leafy and other suitable vegetables conservatively cooked; sprouted wholegrains, legumes and cereals; nuts and seeds; herbs and carminative spices should form 80% or more of the diet.  The  other 20% or less should be from suitable fats/oils like olive or canola oil; dairy products like skimmed milk, yoghurt or whey; and sparingly non-vegetarian food like oily fish, chicken or eggs.  Diet must be nutritious, agreeable to the patient, moderate (never to fill the stomach to the brim), in small easily digestible quantities at regular intervals of 2-2½ hours throughout the day.  Adequate amount of water should be taken regularly inbetween the meals.

(v)     Benefits of Raw Food  —  Foods should be eaten raw in their natural state as far as possible or at least lightly steamed, sauted or stir-fried.  There is a school of thought that the heat in the lightly steamed vegetables breaks the vegetable cell walls, allowing the body to absorb more of the nutrients that would otherwise be lost through your system undigested.  Microwaving, overcooking and boiling will destroy a large quantity of micronutrients.  Raw foods retain their vital “life-force” (minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals) which help repair the wear and tear in our bodies and neutralises free-radicals damage.  Therefore 50-60% of our daily diet should be raw foods, i.e. fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds, herbs and sprouted wholegrains.

Beneficial Foods

28.     Eating primarily plant-based vegetarian foods could be the key to life free from all kinds of lifestyle diseases.  If you are not willing to sit down and change the way you live each day to include exercise, healthy eating and time to enjoy and nurture yourself with relaxation and adequate sleep, then it is very hard to get rid of the disease and be healthy.  Make your diet a lifestyle change and not just a month or so long foray.  Above all, arthritic and other patients should make every effort to develop a positive and cheerful attitude in their thinking and have faith in themselves that they can achieve a healthy body, mind and soul.  Learn to let go of negative emotions, such as anxiety, hostility and insecurity connected with longstanding issues that can’t be resolved.  Love and learn to celebrate your own body for what it is and the fitness and health you can achieve.

29.     The following foods have been found to be beneficial for the majority of rheumatoid as well as osteo-arthritis patients:

(i)      Vegetables  —  Green leafy vegetables like spinach, mustard leaves/stems, fenugreek (methi) leaves, turnip and beet greens, lettuce, endive, watercress, leeks, parsley, celery; cruciferrous vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage; kale; carrots; radish; pumpkin; lady finger (bhindi); asparagus; turnips; squash; peas; beans; fully ripe red tomatoes; long peppers; cucumber; wheatgrass juice; seaweed, kelp, spirulina.

(ii)      Fruits  —  All ripe fresh fruits (except non-citrus) including apples (also custard apple); pineapple; bananas; mangoes; grapes especially red; all berries especially cherries and blueberries; avocado; guava; pomegranate; papaya; dates;  figs.

(iii)     Dried Fruits  —  Figs, dates, prunes, raisins and currants are extremely beneficial so long as they are sun-dried and not treated with sulphur.  Patients with kidney problems should seek advice from their naturo-food therapist.

(iv)     Wholegrains  —  Whole sprouted pulses, lentils, soya and other beans and peas in moderation; millet; brown rice; rolled oats; wheatgerm.

(v)     Oils/Fats  —  Consume more of mono-unsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil and extremely less of inflammatory Omega6-rich poly-unsaturated fats like sunflower oil, corn oil, soyabean oil and saturated animal origin fats like butter, ghee.  Totally refrain from highly harmful hydrogenated oils i.e. transfats.

(vi)     Omega3-Rich Foods  —  Liberally consume anti-inflammatory foods containing Omega3 essential fatty acid like fish oil, such as cod liver oil, shark liver oil; oily freshwater fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, anchovies sardines, tuna; flaxseeds; walnuts; pumpkin seeds; green leafy vegetables.  Omega3 fatty acids reduce tenderness in joints and decrease morning stiffness.

(vii)    Animal Products  —  Cottage cheese, natural skimmed milk yoghurt, whey, raw goat’s yoghurt  —  all in moderation only.

viii)    Nuts and Seeds  —  Flaxseeds, sesame (til) seeds, fenugreek (methi) seeds, castor seeds, walnuts, almonds, pecans, whole peanuts, alfalfa seed sprouts.

ix)      Carminative and Digestive Herbs and Spices  —  Herbs and spices were given to mankind by NATURE for healing purposes.  Beneficial herbs include garlic, ginger, turmeric, onions, basil (tulsi) , mint, lemongrass, Indian gooseberry (amla), rosemary, thyme, parsley, celery, lemon/lime, curry leaves (curhi patta), tamarind, honey, mollasses.  Beneficial spices include black pepper, cumin seeds (jeera), fennel (saunf,  caraway seeds (ajwain), cardamom (elaichi),  coriander (dhania), cinnamon (dalchini), liquorice (mulathi), aesphotida (hing), seasalt in moderation.  Make your own salad dressing freshly with crushed garlic, olive or flaxseed  oil, apple cider vinegar and a pinch of sea salt. Notes:   (i) For garlic to be effective, it should be taken after 10 minutes of crushing or cutting.  (ii) Fresh turmeric powder should always be taken with freshly crushed or powdered black peppers.

x)       Beverages — Green tea; white tea; herbal teas like basil, mint, rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, dandelion; fresh vegetable juices; vegetable soups; whole raw potatoe juice; coconut water.  All teas, hot or cold, should be taken without milk and sugar but lemon juice or a little honey or stevia leaves can be used, as preferred, for taste.  No artificial sweeteners at all.

xi)      Vitamins and Minerals  —  Antioxidant Vitamins A, C and E and other vitamins (except Vit D in sufficient quantities) and minerals like selenium, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper required by the body to combat arthritis and other diseases will be amply provided if a variety of foods listed above are consumed in their as natural  a state as possible.  For “sunshine” vitamin D, we should expose our bodies to morning and evening sunshine daily for some time.  If considered necessary by your naturo-food therapist, supplements like vitamin D, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, cod-liver oil, green lipid mussel extract, spirulina, kelp may be taken as necessary. Don’t take iron supplements or multivitamins containing iron. Note: Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble.  B group vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble which can easily leach into water.  For this reason vegetables should be thoroughly washed before cutting into small pieces and never washed after cutting.  Water-soluble vitamins will virtually have no adverse side-effects if consumed in excess as surplus will be eliminated through the urine.

xii)     Fibre  —  Dietary fibre (30-35 gms daily) plays an important role in keeping you healthy and protected against many diseases.  Fibre is of two types (a)  insoluble fibre, which fills you up and speeds the transit of food through the digestive system to elimination  —  it guards against diseases of the waste tract, such as colon cancer and constipation; (b) soluble fibre, which helps get rid of surplus cholesterol  —  it guards against heart and gall bladder diseases.  If you eat lots of fruits, vegetables, salads, wholegrains, nuts and seeds, you will get all the fibre you need.  Additionally, you get most of the micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals and other beneficial compounds which are firmly attached to the bran fibre of whole foods.  Thus, fibre is considered to be far more beneficial if it is consumed as an integral part of Nature’s nutritious package i.e. whole foods, rather than as bran cereals, bran supplements or fibre-containing drinks promoted by profit hungry companies.

xiii)    Water  —  Rightly termed as nectar or fountain or exilir of life, water is an essential compound for your diet along with micronutrient vitamins and minerals.  About two thirds of your body weight is water (50-65% in males and 45-60% in females).  Your body’s transport system for supplying nutrients around the body is blood which is about 90% water and your brain is about 80% water.  Water plays an essential role in the vital metabolic processes of the body such as energy production, muscle building, fat burning, regulation, digestion, circulation, assimilation and elimination. Water lubricates joints too.  Therefore, we must endeavour to keep our water supply adequate and as pure and clean (preferably distilled water) as possible.  So, soothing your fiery joints could be as easy as drinking 2-2½ litres of water (more if you are overweight, exercise and in hot weather) daily at regular intervals in between small meals/snacks.

Harmful Foods to be Avoided

30.     Remove totally all the following inflammatory components of diet during treatment and preferably afterwards also: non-vegetarian food; all refined and processed junk foods like pizzas, burgers, samosas, pakoras, cakes, pastries, biscuits, ice creams; tinned/ready packed meals and beverages like noodles, soups, fruit juices; savoury snacks like bhujia, crisps; fizzy cold drinks, colas and chilled items; most fats and vegetable oils (preferably all till the disease symptoms subside); hydrogenated oils/transfats; products containing the so called three white poisons i.e. sugar, salt and starch (maida); smoking and chewing tobacco; taking drugs, alcohol, coffee, black tea, cocoa.

31.     Always be wary of commercially produced foods that invariably contain a cocktail of harmful chemical additives, preservatives, colourings, flavour enhancers which are added to enhance the taste and prolong shelf life.  Avoid all spicy, smoked, pickled, oily and fried foods.

32.     Foods of “night shade family” i.e. tomatoes, eggplant (baingan), potatoes, tobacco, peppers and their products should be strictly avoided by those truly allergic and sensitive to this food group.

33.     Other foods that should be avoided include; citrus fruits; full cream dairy products like milk, butter, cream (goat’s milk products may be suitable in some cases); meat, poultry; eggs; beef; pork; sausages, bacon; gammon; wheat and white bread; polished rice, red kidney beans (rajmanh); Bengal gram (kala chana); black gram (urad); vinegar;  paprika; cayenne pepper.

Home Remedies for Arthritis

34.     The following tried and tested home remedies in consultation with your naturo-food therapist will be of benefit for arthritic conditions:

(i)      Green gram (moong) soup  —  Green gram soup mixed with crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek (methi) seeds in warm water taken every day can be helpful in relieving pain in the joints.

(ii)      Fenugreek seeds  —  Make a fine powder of a tablespoonfull of fenugreek seeds and take it with warm water in the morning for pain relief.

(iii)     Apple cider vinegar and honey  —  At night two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in hot water can help you get relief from frequently occuring pain in the mornings.

(iv)     Pineapple juice  —  The enzyme “bromelain” in fresh pineapple juice reduces swelling and inflammation of the joints and tissues.

(v)     Turmeric and black pepper  —  Take ½ teaspoon of freshly powdered turmeric and some freshly ground black peppers with warm water twice a day for 40 days.

(vi)     Lemon juice and Honey  —  Take two teaspoons of fresh lemon or lime juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a glass of warm water twice daily.

(vii)    Triphla  —  In case of constipation, 10 gms of triphla in warm water daily at bed time may be continued till relief is achieved.  It not only helps ease bowels but also detoxifies the system  and acts as a tonic for the colon.

(viii)   Sesame seeds  —  Soak a tablespoonful of black sesame seeds in a glass of warm water overnight.  Take this water along with seeds in the morning.

(ix)     Alfalfa tea  —  Six or seven cups of alfalfa tea should be taken daily for at least two weeks.  The tea from alfalfa seeds preferably sprouted is prepared by cooking them in an enamel pan with the lid on for half an hour.  After cooking, it should be strained, squeesing or pressing seeds dry.  It should be allowed to cool and after adding some honey to taste put it in the refrigerator.  Cold or hot water should be added before use as required.

(x)     Water in a copper vessel  —  Drinking water kept  in a copper vessel overnight helps strengthen the muscular system.  For the same reason, wearing a copper ring, bangle or bracelet will also help.


35.     Arthritic people should realise how important it is that their body parts and joints are regularly exercised, even though this may be a painful process at times.  Lack of movement of the joints causes the condition to deteriorate.  Do gentle/unfatiguing and low impact moderate physical exercises i.e. walking, hiking, cycling, swimming etc and flexibility exercises i.e. stretches for your neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, hips, knees and feet (see Annex) with advice from your Therapist.  The only time a joint should not be exercised is when it is inflamed or hot (swollen red, tender to the touch).  It is important to coordinate your breathing with exercises.  Exercises should be done on a regular basis, making them part of your daily life.  Little and often is better than occasional more strenuous exercises.  Rest and relaxation is of greatest importance to arthritics, who should not overdo their work, exercise or recreational activities.  Exercise is important, but it is only half of the activity equation.  The other half is rest!  Correct body posture while sitting, standing or walking is very important and this should be maintained at all times (see Annex).  The Yogic asanas trikonasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, naukasana, vakrasana, shavasana can be practiced regularly.  Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kapalbhati, and pranayamas such as anulomaviloma, ujjai and bhrameri are also beneficial.


36.     For arthritic persons a balanced programme of exercise rest and relaxation is absolutely necessary.  There are a number of relaxation techniques and exercises of particular benefit.  Deep breathing, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and thermal bathing, dry body brushing massage, aromatherapy osteopathy, reflexology are extremely effective and relaxing and can form part of an overall fitness programme for body, mind and soul.  These methods of relaxation will relieve stress and bring relief to every part of the body: the glands, organs, tissues, circulation, limbs, muscles and nerves. “Hara” technique breathing and deep abdominal breathing  techniques, dry body brushing and massage oil formulations are described in the Annex.

37.     Life depends on the blood and the blood depends on the glandular system for its support.  As each set of glands contributes different secretions to the blood, so our glands should be given just as much, if not more consideration than the blood itself.  This is the reason why we must provide the endocrine glands not only with the nutrients they need, but also with mental stimulation.  Endocrine glands are sometimes referred to as “the glands that treat mind, body and soul”, and this explains why imagination and visualisation therapy can be of such great benefit in the treatment of many patients.

38.     The imagination is based in the subconscious part of the brain.  When a view or image is visualised in goodness and subsequently projected to all parts of the body, there is harmony.  If one imagines evil or sadness, these will soon be manifested.  In the same way, by applying the law of universal knowledge, detrimental objects and  causes can be removed from the body’s organs.  If a man imagines that he is suffering from some undesirable condition in his body or brain and allows these thoughts to enter his subconscious, he may well begin to experience the relevant symptoms.

39.      Above all, manage stress in healthy ways through Yoga, meditation and music.  Avoid the stress of working more than eight hours a day and take a rest at regular intervals.  Work towards a happy and low-stress working environment.  Keep moving, while also allowing time for sufficient and worthwhile relaxation.  Cultivate a creative hobby, such as playing a musical instrument, painting or even gardening.  Do not forget that emotional worries are likely to exacerbate your physical problems.

40.     Get large doses of humour/laughter (the best medicine) which can relax muscles, relieve pain and boost your immune system.  Make some lifestyle changes.  Entertain yourself with dancing, singing and music.  For a restful night’s sleep, avoid sleeping during the day and staying up late at night.


41.     Arthritic people are inclined towards poor blood circulation and suffer from aches and pains.  There are various forms of hydrotherapy which can be of immense benefit for circulation and general well-being: the “cold dip” for circulation (see Annex); hot Epsom salts bath (see Annex); sea salt bath (see Annex); bicarbonate of soda bath; sauna or steam bath; hot and cold alternate compresses for local use; Epsom salt local bath or compress; hot compresses for pain relief.  A warm sea salt bath before bed time can relieve muscle tension, ease aching joints and help you get a good night’s sleep. 


42.     Our Naturo-Food Therapists, Goindis couple, have been associated with Naturo-Food Therapy for over 40 years and myself for about a decade.  Today, we still thank NATURE daily for its wonderful gifts of natural foods and the opportunities we had to learn about their healing qualities.  We have always endeavoured to use this divine knowledge for the benefit of the arthritic and other patients and have achieved excellent results where prescribed dietary regimes have been strictly followed.


i)             Flexibility Exercises

ii)            Correct Body Posture

iii)          Deep Breathing Exercises

iv)          Exfoliation of the Skin  —  Dry Body Brushing

v)           Massage Oil Formulations

vi)          Hydrotherapy

Acidic and Alkaline Foods.

Diet Guidelines for a Healthy & Disease-Free Life


Lying on the Back

Lie flat on the floor on your back with your arms in a comfortable position alongside the body and do the following exercises:

Lying on the Stomach

Lie, facedown, on your stomach with your hands clasped in the small of your back, with your head resting on the floor:


Stand up straight, with your legs apart to the width of your shoulders.



“Hara” Technique Breathing

          Lie flat on the floor and relax completely.  Initially this may require a little practice, but persevere nevertheless.  Close your eyes and tell every part of your body, from top to toe, to relax totally, until it feels as if your body is sinking deeper and deeper into the floor.  Then place your left hand about half an inch beneath your naval and place your right hand over it.  At that point, a magnetic ring on the vital centre of your being   —  “Hara”  —  will have been formed.  It is at this centre that the vegetative nervous system is located.  The Chinese believe that the navel is the gate to all happiness and certainly, by placing your hands in the position mentioned, you will feel completely relaxed.  Next, breathe in slowly through the nose, filling your stomach with air and keeping your ribcage still.  This sounds easier than it is, and it may well take a little time to master it properly.

Concentrate the mind on the stomach and breathe in slowly.  Once the stomach is filled with air, round the lips and slowly breathe out, pulling the stomach flat.  This can be done as often as you wish.  Normally, the sensation after finishing this exercise is either one of  complete relaxation and the desire for a nice sleep, or of refreshment and the desire to return to work. I must stress that it should be performed naturally as a  baby might do it.  Sometimes it helps to imagine yourself walking in a beautiful garden where you discover the wonderful scent of roses, which you inhale slowly.

Abdominal Breathing 

          Lie flat on your back with relaxed arms (palms facing upwards) alongside the body.  While relaxing your abdominal muscles, breathe in deeply and slowly to first expand your abdomen and chest later.  Then exhale slowly through rounded lips so that it takes roughly 1½ to 2 times to breathe out as it takes to breathe in.  Repeat 10-15 times and practice 2-3 times a day.  Once you have mastered this technique, divide the single exhalation into three parts: exhale-pause, exhale-pause, exhale-pause.  And for more lasting benefits, make abdominal breathing, without extended exhalation, a regular habit. 


          This is done with a natural plant-fibre brush before a shower or bath while the body is still dry.  Pressure depends on skin sensitivity.  Brush making rotary motions every part of your body.  Start with the feet and legs, then hands and arms, then back, abdomen, chest, neck, face and head.  Once finished, shower to clean off exfoliated skin cells.  There are many therapeutic benefits of dry body brushing.  This exfoliates the outer layer of the skin and stimulates blood flow to the skin, enabling it to breathe better, and eliminate wastes carried in the bloodstream such as uric acid.  The skin is the largest organ of the body, is a major eliminative organ (along with bowels, kidneys and lungs), and is often called the “third kidney”. Most importantly body brushing helps decongest lymphatic capillaries which interface with blood capillaries in all connective tissue.  There are many other benefits to dry body brushing.  Dry brushing:


For alleviating joint and muscular pains, oil and herbs make effective massage medium:

i)             Warm some sesame seed oil or mustard oil and mix into powdered turmeric, camphor and garlic.

ii)            Add camphor powder to previously warmed mustard oil or coconut oil.

iii)          Mix dry ginger powder in sesame seed oil.


(a)     Soft and mild massaging is more helpful than the pressing one.(b) In case bandage is required, the joints should not be bandaged tightly as this limits movement and interferes with the free circulation of blood.


The Cold Dip

Arthritic people are inclined towards poor blood circulation.  One of the simplest method to increase blood circulation is “the cold dip” form of hydrotherapy.  This is an exercise that should be done each morning on awakening and each evening when retiring.  Place a basin of cold water at the side of the bed and keep a towel ready.  On rising in the morning, place both feet in the water.  After counting to ten, remove the feet from the water and place them on the towel.  Exercise the toes as if trying to pick up a marble and do this ten to thirty times.  Before going to bed at night, follow the same procedure.  You will find that your feet are lovely and warm when you snuggle down in bed.  The important thing to remember about this exercise is that it should be done for a minimum of sixty days to obtain the full benefit. 

Sea Salt Bath

          The patient should relax for 30 minutes every night in a tub of warm water in which a cupful of sea salt has been mixed.  The minerals in the salt, especially iodine can be absorbed through the skin pores and will help correct the internal imbalance. 

Epsom Salt Bath

          Put about 500 gms of Epsom salts into a hot water tub and soak yourself for 15-20 minutes.  Immediately go to bed under plenty of covers to sweat.  Remain in bed 3 hours to all night.  Rinse off with tepid water after the sweat and finish with colder application, either a sponge bath or a shower.

Santokh Singh Parmar

Naturo-Food Therapist & Lifestyle Consultant

Mobile: +91(0) 9815922330

Websites: www.naturofoodtherapy.org & www.foodtherapy.org

July 2011

Note: The above information and advice and indicative remedies are not a substitute for the advice, your doctor or naturo-food therapist may give you based on his/her knowledge of yourself.