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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Charity Registration No.845/4 dated 03.09.2003



Satyendra Singh Goindi, MSc, LLB, ND
Gurkirpal Kaur Goindi, BA, BEd, DPE, ND
Santokh Singh Parmar, B Arch, Dip TP, Dip LA, MRTPI, AITP, AIIA
Devinder Singh Saroya, PCS
Gurmukh Singh Girn, MSc, MCRP, AITP




1.         You avoid social gatherings where food will be served on outdoor events where you may not find a bathroom; going to work on time and keeping appointments is sometimes a problem because of your unpredictable bowel habits! If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as Spastic Colon or Mucous Colitis! Although there may be nothing physically wrong with your gastrointestinal tract, you may have a sensitive colon that reacts to things that won’t bother other people. In rare cases, IBS may also be the result of a severe infection.

2.         IBS is one of the most common disorders that people suffer from. Young and middle-aged adults are those most prone to it. It is more common in women aged 20-45 years than men of the same age, but children can also suffer due to unhealthy junk food consumption. The symptoms come and go and there may be many years of respite between bouts.

3.         IBS is a condition that interferes with normal functioning of the bowels or the intestines, which means your digestive system is under too much strain and your intestines are not working properly. IBS patients also end up quite depleted nutritionally as this condition interferes with the absorption of nutrients.


4.         Though a number of factors are held responsible for the occurrence of IBS, no one exactly knows about its definite causes. It is believed that IBS restricts the contraction and relaxation of the rings of muscle in the walls of the gut which push down through the intestines, into the colon and rectum, and finally through the anus. When the sequence of muscle action is weak or disturbed, spasmodic pain with explosive, watery diarrhoea or constipation results. Muscles of the bowels are controlled by the autonomic nervous system; they are not consciously directed.

5.         Modern researchers believe that people with IBS have a colon (large intestine) that is more sensitive and reactive to a number of things including food and stress. It is possible that stress triggers hormonal changes that can cause too much stomach acid or interference with digestion. Altered ability to move spontaneously of the intestines, muscle contractions, a weakened immune system, anxiety, and a disturbed nervous system result in a fastened or slower movement of the intestinal contents. Ayurveda attributes IBS as a sequel to the weakening of the digestive fire (system) whereby the lower end of the stomach results in a condition where a person is unable to digest even a simple food.

6.         The end result is either diarrhoea i.e. too much fluid in the stool due to the poor absorption or constipation occurring due to the sluggish propulsion and the more absorption of the liquid contents. Sometimes both these conditions occur alternately. Usually diarrhoea is worse in the morning and it may also contain slimy mucus. If you have any bleeding from the bowels, it may be the result of an unusually severe type of IBS, but it could also indicate something more serious in which case you must seek competent advice and/or consult a naturo-food therapist immediately. If you experience IBS symptoms together with a rapid loss of weight, especially if you are over 60, also seek expert advice at once.


7.         Like the complexity of its causes, the presentations of IBS are equally intricate and confusing and vary from person to person. Abdominal discomfort, pain or cramps in association with the bowel dysfunction is the main symptom of IBS. Some people experience frequent loose stools (diarrhoea) with an urgent need to move the bowels, others complain of constipation with hard or difficult to pass stool. Yet there are those who complain of alternating constipation and diarrhoea and acidity (burning sensation) and gas (bloating) in the intestines, which give a feeling of pressure inside the abdomen.

8.         Indigestion, reduced desire to enjoy food, distastes of the mouth accompanied by anxiety and depression are additional symptoms of IBS. Patients of IBS may also complain of uneasiness, tiredness, general run-down, weakness, pain in calf muscles and back, and a low self-esteem.

9.         Certain psychological commotions like stress, tension and feeling troubled, angry, overwhelmed or excited stimulate colon spasms in people suffering from IBS. Many times and especially in the elderly persons these upheavals take a vicious turn and a stage is reached when physical symptoms of IBS are equally marked by a number of psychological presentations. In some cases the sufferer may become so conscious of his condition that traveling or visiting a place before paying a visit to the toilet becomes difficult and IBS can wreak havoc with your social life.


10.       IBS problem is often associated with imbalanced and unhealthy diet and/or food intolerances. Dr. Steven R Peikin, author of “Gastrointestinal Health” agrees that by far the best approach for the long-term management of IBS symptoms is remedial/healthy diet and not medications. Medications, invariably, have adverse side-effects and they deal with the symptoms only and not the causes. It is generally seen that in case of majority of patients, careful eating reduces the symptoms as well as causes of IBS.

11.       Naturo-food therapists make an effort to study the diet and life-pattern of each patient holistically and then devise the diet-plan to suit the individual patients. Where wrong diet is the aggravating factor, the patient is advised to stick to natural, simple, light, easily digestible and homemade whole food.


12.       People with IBS may find that many ordinary foods cause their bowels to act up. Try keeping a diary for a week or so, and make notes of how you react to certain foods. If your symptoms only occur when you drink milk, it is more likely you may have lactose intolerance. That means you can’t digest the natural sugar in milk. You need to add lactase enzyme to milk products, or in extreme cases, avoid all foods containing milk. Or may be high-sugar foods cause gas and bloating. By keeping track, you can eliminate the offending foods from your diet. But don’t forget about nutrition. For example, if you stop drinking milk, you will need to take calcium supplements and/or eat lots of green leafy vegetables to keep your bones strong.

13.       Some doctors and naturo-food therapists increasingly blame packaged foods and carbonated beverages with harmful additives, preservatives, artificial colourings/flavourings,sweetners, stabilisers, bleaching agents and emulsifiers for the increase in IBS. Instead of eating mostly natural plant-based foods, people now eat refined and processed foods with these added harmful chemicals. You will be surprised to know that the food industry in the UK and elsewhere uses more than 3,000 food additives in the refinement and processing of food. May be you are one of these whose stomach is protesting. But the good news is, you can take control of this irritating condition.

14.       Many IBS sufferers have found that a carefully chosen nutritious diet advised by our naturo-food therapists Satyendra Singh Goindi and his wife Gurkirpal Kaur Goindi have helped IBS sufferers in restoring their health. 100% success rate has been achieved when patients have strictly adhered to the discipline of the prescribed dietary regime by the Goindis.


15.       Fibre– It is an acknowledged fact that fibre in the diet is beneficial for health. Depending on the condition of the patient, a moderately high-fibre diet significantly affects the colon or large intestine, throughout its entire course. Fibre is like a sponge, soaking up moisture to lesson diarrhoea and creating bulk to help with constipation. Eat wholegrain foods and cereals, which are rich in B vitamins and soluble (smooth) fibre and insoluble (rough) fibre. It is the smooth fibre, which is meant for IBS patients according to naturo-food therapists Goindis. These along with brown rice and fibre-rich non-citrus fresh fruits and suitable steamed vegetables are most beneficial for IBS patients. Though high-fibre diet in the beginning keeps the colon mildly distended and may cause some gas or bloating, these symptoms go away in a few days as the body adjusts to the new dietary regime. It is advisable to add the high-fibre foods gradually to the diet to build up tolerance. Caution:  You might like to avoid vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower and beans since these are harder to digest and produce gas. Also be careful not to eat too much bran, which can sometimes bother people with IBS.

16.       Low-Fat Foods  – For IBS low-fat foods are the best option. If you have to use oil, go for the mono-unsaturated variety like mustard, olive, rice-bran, sesame, walnut or almond oil. Cut way down on foods rich in cream, butter and ghee. Also avoid nuts and seeds since they are high in fat and can cause gas. If you drink milk, preferably skimmed, drink it with some food for easy digestion.

17.       Fruits and Vegetables- One of the best ways to increase body’s immunity and thereby avoid or fight disease and enhance your health is to include plenty of nutrient/anti-oxidant rich fresh seasonal fruits and raw or steamed vegetables in your diet. For IBS patients particularly beneficial fruits are apples, apricots, blueberries, melons, figs, peaches and prunes. Leafy and green vegetables, cucumber and tomatoes are also helpful. Fruits like pomegranate and banana result into constipation while papaya, mango, grapes and whole oranges (not the juice) are mildly laxative. Organic fruits and vegetables should be consumed if available.

18.       Whole Foods- Eat germinated whole grains like chickpeas and moong, unpolished brown rice, whole wheat, homemade bread, flaxseeds, oatmeal and high-fibre cereals.

19.       Sprouts- sprouts of germinated grains, seeds and legumes are considered as wonder foods. By a process of natural transformation sprouted foods acquire vastly improved digestibility and nutritional qualities when compared to non-sprouted embryo from which they derive. In the process of sprouting, the vitamins, minerals and protein increase substantially with some decrease in calories and carbohydrate content. Your naturo-food therapist can advise which sprouts will prove beneficial for IBS symptoms.

20.       Milk- Milk and its products nourish the body and help lubricate the bowels. But in IBS cases milk should only be used where constipation is the overwhelming symptom and it suits the body. To dispel the fear of any gas formation with whole milk, one can opt for skimmed form or can boil a piece of clove (laung) or a little crushed fennel (saunf) in a cup of it.

21.       Yoghurt (Dahi)- It helps control an increased frequency of stool, but should be used only during breakfast or lunch and that too after sprinkling digestive spices on it.

22.       Butter Milk (Chhachh/Lassi)This is an all-season delight for IBS and for every one generally. It is recommended for forenoon sessions only.

23.       Whey- Again very nutritious but not suitable for those IBS patients having gas/bloating symptoms.

24.       Flaxseeds (Alsi)- These seeds, which have been used for centuries, are rich in omega-3 oils when crushed. If you use it whole, it works as fibre, bulking up your stool for an easy ride through your system. It also absorbs extra fluid that might lead to diarrhoea. You can sprinkle flaxseeds on cereals, salads and cooked vegetables or bake them in homemade breads and muffins. It has a nutty, slightly fishy flavour and might take some getting used to. Flaxseed oil should be stored in a refrigerator and can be used in cooked vegetables but never for frying. Depending on the advice of your naturo-food therapist, aim to consume about 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. To help with constipation, gas and inflamed colon, mix one tablespoon of whole or bruised flaxseeds into 150 ml of warm liquid, and drink 2 or 3 times a day.

25.       Psyllium (Isabagol)- It comes from the husks of plant seeds and forms a gel in liquid. This gel helps slow diarrhoea and also fights constipation by keeping stools soft. Psyllium is sold commercially as Metamucil.

26.       Digestive Spices- Ginger (adrak), cumin seed (jeera), fennel (saunf), aesphotida (hing,) black pepper (kali mirch) and rock salt are carminative and digestive spices. Their moderate use releases digestive juices, prevents spasm and distention, expels the abdominal wind and allays digestive impurities.

27.       Water- Drink a glass or two of warm water with lemon squeezed in first thing in the morning to help regulate the bowels and ease proper evacuation. Drink a total of 8 –10 glasses of water daily to flush out the toxins and impurities from the digestive system. Boiled water should be consumed where quality control is lacking.

28.       Refined/Processed Foods- These foods with a multiplicity of chemical additives are harmful to IBS and for every one. Refined cereals are considered detrimental to easy digestion, healthy assimilation and proper elimination. Patients of IBS should always avoid the use of white flour (maida), products.

29.       Rich Foods- Avoid rich foods of which a single serving can trigger an attack on your gastrointestinal tract. Fried food/snacks and non-vegetarian food usually enhance the complexities of IBS.

30.       Irritants- IBS patients should try to stay clear of potential irritants such as alcohol, tea, coffee, chillies and strong spices.

31.       Foods to Avoid- Foods such as beans, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, which produce gas, should be avoided by IBS patients. Citrus fruits, caffeinated and fizzy drinks, non-vegetarian food and yeast are best avoided. Fresh suitable fruit/vegetable juice and chamomile tea are beneficial.

32.       Three White Poisons- It is said that salt, sugar and flour (maida) are three white poisons. These should only be used sparingly if at all necessary and that too in very small quantities.

33.       Cooking Vegetables- Always steam the vegetables or slightly saute them to preserve the nutrients/antioxidants intact. Never boil or fry them as it destroys most of what is good in them.


34.       Chewing- Digestion starts in the mouth. Eat very slowly and chew your food thoroughly to increase the amount of digestive saliva. That way your stomach will have to work less to process the food. There is a saying that “one should drink the food and eat the water.”

35.       Food Servings- Large meals can result in abdominal discomfort in case of IBS. Eat small frequent meals to avoid overloading your stomach, which can lead to cramping and diarrhoea.

36.       Eating and Drinking Together- Never drink water with meals. Water or other liquids should be taken half an hour before or one hour after a meal so as not to dilute digestive juices in the stomach. Milk, buttermilk, whey and vegetable soups are, however, foods and can be taken with meals.

37.       Mixing Foods- Do not mix too many foods at the same meal. Never eat raw vegetables and raw fruits together as they require a different set of enzymes. Take protein and carbohydrate/starchy foods separate as far as possible but vegetables can be eaten with either of them. Fruits must always be eaten on its own at least 30 minutes away from protein and carbohydrate food groups.

38.       Full Stomach- Never eat to a full stomach. How much food you take at one time is very important. One third of the stomach should be filled with food, one third with water (1/2 hour before and 1 hour after meals) and one-third with air. Always leave the table with a feeling that you could eat more.

39.       Appetite- Do not eat if appetite is lacking. Miss a meal or two, if necessary, until real appetite returns.

40.       Eating – a Celebration- Never sit down to a meal feeling tired, worried, excited or in a bad temper as such feelings temporarily paralyse the secretion of digestive juices including hydrochloride in the stomach. Eating natural foods should be a type of meditation and enjoyment, as it can nourish a person’s body, mind and consciousness, and enhance longevity.

41.         Regularity of Eating- One should eat and drink with discipline and regularity. Eating at irregular timings and in a hurried manner hampers proper digestion.

42.       Breakfast- If you don’t eat proper breakfast (which breaks the fast initiated by many hours of sleep) or skip it, your body shuts down or slows down your metabolism in order to preserve what fuel reserves it contains. Eating a proper breakfast will avoid bingeing on high calorie foods in the latter part of the day and increase your metabolism considerably. Eating breakfast has been proven to improve concentration, problem solving abilities, mental performance, memory and mood besides general health.


43.       Stress- Your system is very sensitive to stress, and many feel that stress and activities that tax your body in general are particularly harsh on your bowels. Stress reduction training and relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation, regular exercise, deep breathing and adopting right daily routine and 7 to 8 hours of sleep are of great help for IBS and other problems. A good social life with a circle of friends, keeping a pet and gardening hobby can also help beat stress.

44.       Laughter- Remember “laughter is the best medicine”. Being happy and laughing genuinely or even artificially helps boost the immune system besides many other health benefits.

45.       Massage- Body massage, particularly of the abdomen, can prove beneficial as a whole.


46.       Patients of IBS or other problems will highly benefit by adopting a positive thinking attitude. They should get rid of negativity and should not always be mentally occupied by bowel related complaints, which are generally minor in nature but are often magnified. They must also have full faith in the naturo-food therapy and sincerely believe (auto-suggestion) that they are bound to get better following the above-mentioned natural edicts.

47.       Naturo-Food Therapy should be a way of life in both health and disease; a way of simple natural living. Its philosophy is based on the fact that we are a product of Nature and that our interests are best served by Nature to play its full part in our life. Nature cure therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature:

That the body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by the unwise and indiscriminate use of drugs, which always have harmful side-effects.

Santokh Singh Parmar

Naturo-Food Therapist & Lifestyle Consultant

Mobile: +91(0) 9815922330

Websites: www.naturofoodtherapy.org & www.foodtherapy.org

July, 2005

Note: The above information and advice and indicative remedies are not a substitute for the advice, your doctor or naturo-food therapist may give you based on his/her knowledge of yourself.